Voter Quick Links
Check out the Oklahoma State Election Board website for quick access to absentee ballot information, requesting a new voter ID card, receiving election reminders, and more!

General Voting Information
Register to Vote
Register online using the OK Voter Portal's Online Voter Registration System. (An Oklahoma Driver License/State ID and a signature on file with Service Oklahoma is required.)
Paper Voter Registration Applications are available for pick up in the library lobby.
Check Your Voter Registration
Your online voting registration information may be accessed at the OKVoterPortal. Check your voter registration for polling place, to request absentee ballots, find a sample ballot, update voter information, and more.
Please note: party affiliation change is not allowed from April 1 - August 31st of even-numbered years. Party affiliation change is processed after August of even-numbered years.
Tips for First Time Voters
Upcoming Voter Information Calendar
Local Election Board Office
Check out this Voting 101 guide from the Oklahoma State Election Board.
It offers 10 tips to start your voting journey.
Find upcoming election dates in Oklahoma, voting deadlines, and more on the Oklahoma State Election Board's Voter Information Calendar.
Garfield County Election Board
P.O. Box 1872 (903 Failing Drive)
Enid, OK 73701