Elementary Book Club

This month, we'll be reading Cressida Cowell's How to Train Your Dragon. Copies of the book may be checked out in the Children's department.

Teen Dungeons & Dragons

Play Dungeons & Dragons with us! For teens in 6th-12th grades.

Movie: How to Train Your Dragon

Watch How to Train Your Dragon with us after Elementary Book Club. Everyone is invited to watch the movie after. Movie is rated PG.

SAIL: Staying Active

Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance, and fitness is…

Teen Literacy Council

Join other teens for discussion about favorite books, why reading is so important, and getting involved in local and school government. Teens are able to get one service hour for…

Modern Homesteading

Modern Homesteading is a lifestyle that’s all about learning to become more self-sufficient and living in tune with nature. Join us for a video based introductory course hosted by Greg…

Pantry Meals for Lean Times

Is your food budget tight at the end of the month? Get ideas for meals you can make from canned and dried goods. For adults.

SAIL: Staying Active

Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance, and fitness is…

Junior Mad Scientists*

Join us for a monthly STEM project. This month's project is TBD. For elementary students. Please register at 580-234-6313 or at the first-floor service desk.