Movie: Despicable Me

Watch Despicable Me with us! Rated PG. All ages welcome!

New Year’s Eve Party

Join us at 11 a.m. for New Year's games, crafts, and a noon countdown. Snacks will be served. For preschool and elementary students.

Event Series SAIL: Staying Active*

SAIL: Staying Active*

This class teaches strength, balance, and fitness on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. This 12-week class is designed to help maintain and improve your balance. Series runs from 10/5-12/30 (excluding…

Event Series Teen Craft*

Teen Craft*

Join us for a new monthly craft. Please register at 580-234-6313 or at the first-floor service desk. For students in grades 6-12.

Event Series Modern Homesteading

Modern Homesteading

Modern Homesteading is a lifestyle that’s all about learning to become more self-sufficient and living in tune with nature. Join us for a video based introductory course hosted by Greg…

1st Tuesday Book Club

January's book is "The Eyre Affair" by Jasper Fforde. In a world where one can literally get lost in literature, Thursday Next, a Special Operative in literary detection, tries to…

Event Series SAIL: Staying Active

SAIL: Staying Active

Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance, and fitness is…