Toddler Time

Join us for stories, music, and movement. For 0-36 months.

SAIL: Staying Active*

This class teaches strength, balance, and fitness on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. This 12-week class is designed to help maintain and improve your balance. Series runs from 10/5-12/30 (excluding…

Library Board Meeting

Meeting of the Enid Public Library board. Event will be live-streamed on Facebook. For everyone.

Junior Mad Scientists*

November’s class is “Rainbows and Lava Lamps…in a Jar!” We’ll explore the science of colors and rainbows, and then make our own colorful lava lamps! Registration is required at 580-234-6313.…

U.S. Citizenship Class

These classes assist permanent residents through the Naturalization process and interview. This free series specifically focuses on the reading, writing, and civics portion of the interview. For adults.

Mini Mad Scientists*

November’s class is “Color Science!” We’ll read stories and then do hands-on experiments to learn more about the science of colors! Registration is required at 580-234-6313. This session is for preschool…

Teen Dungeons & Dragons

Play Dungeons & Dragons every Thursday at 4:30 PM with us! For teens.

SAIL: Staying Active*

This class teaches strength, balance, and fitness on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. This 12-week class is designed to help maintain and improve your balance. Series runs from 10/5-12/30 (excluding…

Author Visit: Ed Grover

Local Oklahoma author, retired teacher, and retired rancher Ed Grover will be here to speak about and sign copies of his first book, Life's Ponderous Adventure: Musings of an Old…