Teen Volunteering at the Enid Public Library Name *Phone *United States +1Email AddressStreet Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *School & Grade *0 / 25Emergency Contact *Emergency Contact Phone Number *United States +1How did you find out about library volunteering? *Social MediaLibrary SignageLibrary EmployeeSchoolRelative or FriendHave you volunteered here before? *YesNoIf yes, please give the date(s).List any relatives employed by the library or current Library Board Members0 / 50Tasks you would being willing to do? *Summer Reading ProgramShelvingCraft PreparationDust ShelvesPutting Items in OrderCleaning & Wiping downStraightening the ShelvesPush in chairs and pick up trashAssist with Youth ProgramsSet your availabilityMondays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMMondays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMTuesdays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMTuesdays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMWednesdays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMWednesdays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMThursdays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMThursdays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMFridays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMFridays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMSaturdays- Start Time *Hours0809101109Minutes003000AMPMAMSaturdays- End Time *Hours120102030405060705Minutes003000AMPMPMWhy are you interested in volunteering at the Library? *0 / 200Work & other Volunteer ExperiencePlease list up to 3 employments, assignments, or volunteer activities. If no prior experience then leave blank.Job Title / EmployeerPlease include the name. Also roughly for how long.0 / 30ReferencesPlease list up to 2 references.ReferencePlease include the name. Also the phone number and/or email address.0 / 30How long do you plan to be with us? *Please select an optionI am volunteering at the library for an educational requirement or other community service project, and I plan to stop after completing a set number of hours.I agree to be available for volunteering at the Library for an extended period of time, unless otherwise arranged with staff.I agree to be available for volunteering at the Library for an extended period of time, unless otherwise arranged with staff.Consent to Collect Data & Verification of Truthful Statement *I certify that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that, if selected, any false information in my application materials may result in dismissal from the EPL Volunteer Program. Physical requirements for Library volunteering include but are not limited to prolonged standing, walking, bending, kneeling, and may require physical exertion to manually move, lift, carry, pull, or push heavy objects or materials individually, on a wheeled cart, or as a team. Workplace safety guidelines must be followed. Volunteers assume the same risks as any patron who enters the facility to use the Library and are not covered by worker's compensation insurance. Since you are under 18 years of age, you will need parental permission to volunteer. Volunteers will be interview and accepted as positions become available. The Library DOES NOT accept court-ordered community service or volunteering as a punishment duty. By agreeing you are allowing us to collect your information in this form and store it. Yes, I agree with the library policies. Parent/Guardian Name *Parental Consent *By selecting, I am giving consent, as the parent/guardian, to the above-mentioned.Submit Volunteer Application