Spotlight: Children’s Collection
We have books. (Over 600,000 of them, in fact). But did you know we ALSO carry music CDs, family DVDs, reading kits, and learning boxes? Find out what our collection has for your child to check out, all free of charge.
Learning Boxes
Have you ever wandered to the children’s department and noticed the clear, plastic containers on the far left wall? Those are our learning boxes! We added them to our library in 2018, and they contain puppets and other toys, books, puzzles, & so much more.
Take a journey through space, learn how to count numbers, discover wild animals, play dress up, and have fun cooking. These boxes can be checked out two at a time for 3 weeks!
Reading Kits

Want to read a book and listen along with a CD? You can with our kits! Read popular titles like Goodnight, Moon and Junie B. Jones, begin to learn a new language, or discover other fiction and nonfiction reads of interest!
These check out for 3 weeks.
Teach Me to Read books
Looking to build confidence in reading skills? We have a Teach Me to Read section! Check out books on certain sounds and word families, BOB books, or read side-by-side with your child with our We Both Read books.
Check out is for 3 weeks.
Audios, CDs, & DVDs, oh my!

We also carry audiobooks, music CDs, family DVDs, junior comics, series books, & more. Check out up to 4 DVDs for 7 days, 6 audiobooks for 3 weeks, and 6 CDs for 3 weeks.
Don’t have a library card?
No worries. Just sign up in the library!
Children don’t have to be a certain age, just make sure a parent/guardian is there to fill out some paperwork. You’ll need a photo ID (doesn’t have to be Oklahoma) and a proof of mailing address (piece of mail, bill, etc. This includes an online statement pulled up on your phone or tablet!)
The first day you are limited to 2 items, but after that we have a running total of 50 items all together.
What’s your favorite item to check out in the children’s department?