National Voter Registration Day
Volunteers will help ensure your voice is heard and your registration is up-to-date. Register to vote online or on paper, and check your status from 9AM-6PM.
Weekly storytime and craft @ 10AM. Intended for children aged 3 and up! Little brothers and sisters are welcome!
Story Time
Storytime and craft intended for children aged 3 and up! Little brothers and sisters are welcome!
Mah Jongg Club
Want to learn and play American Mah Jongg? Joins us on the library’s second floor for weekly classes and play. All skill levels are invited.
Calling all kids who love LEGOS!!! Join us for our monthly Lego Club Builder’s Challenge, where you can accept a building challenge or do a free-build. We provide the LEGOS, you provide the imagination!
Sci Fi / Fantasy Book club
We will be reading I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger
Toddler Time
Intended for babies and toddlers, but big brothers and sisters are always welcome!
SAIL: Staying Active
Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance, and fitness is critical for staying active and reducing the risk of falls. This class meets twice a week on Wednesday and Friday.
SAIL: Staying Active and Independent for Life
Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a fitness program for older adults, which can be done sitting or standing. Performing exercise that improves strength, balance, and fitness is critical for staying active and reducing the risk of falls.
U.S. Citizenship Test Prep
Weekly classes aim to assist students in preparing for the Naturalization Test and interview. The course will cover historical and cultural information relevant to the test, focusing on reading, writing, and civics. The classes are designed for adults who have already obtained legal permanent residency, are comfortable with English, and are preparing for the exam.