Catalog Search by Location

Searching through our catalog for something new in nonfiction, children’s, fiction (listed in the catalog as “Marketplace”), or young adult (listed as “Teen New”)? Our “More Search Options” feature is here to help!

Advanced Search

picture of more search options in right hand corner
  • A pull down menu will let you select “Advanced Search,” “Series Search,” or “Subject Search.” The “Advanced Search” option will be the default (and the one you want!)
picture of search options drop down menu
  • Click on “Keywords” and the drop-down menu will give you additional search items. Choose “Location” from the list.
picture of drop down search menu
  • Another drop-down menu appears with “1st Floor” as the default. Click on the arrow and select the location you want: JNEW, Marketplace (New Fiction/Sci-Fi/Fantasy, etc), New Nonfiction, Sequoyah books, Teen New, and many others!
picture of location drop down menu
  • After you select a category, click on “Search,” and you’ll be able to browse in that specific area.

Place items on reserve for pickup inside the library or use Curbside Delivery!

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